
Demon Dog Kickstarter Delayed

Recent changes to Kickstarter’s rules have restricted publishers to only be able to have three crowdfunding campaigns at the same time once they have successfully delivered four projects. As DEMON DOG, our punk Mörk Borg compatible game, was to be our fourth Kickstarter, it has be delayed until when we have delivered our SLA INDUSTRIES: COLLATERAL and THE TERMINATOR RPG books.

We are disappointed by this news as we would have loved to get DEMON DOG into your hands sooner, but we are very much in favour of the new regulations that Kickstarter have implemented. As soon as we deliver our current Kickstarter campaigns, we will be announcing the campaign for DEMON DOG, with a promised quick turnaround so that we can return to our flagship titles and other exciting projects we have in the pipeline, like our horror setting STOKERVERSE and our collaboration with Handiwork Games, the 5e setting HARROWVALE.

We hope you aren’t too disappointed, so to make up for it, here’s the latest version of the DEMON DOG cover by Dave Allsop.